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Trusmi Batik

Kampung Batik Trusmi is the center of the batik industry in Cirebon as well as tourist attractions culinary. The village is located in Plered, Cirebon or about 7 kms from Swiss-Belhotel Cirebon. If you come from Jakarta, you could use the regular way/ not the toll through Palimanan, and you will find this village before you enter Cirebon.

Alongside the Syekh Datu Kahfi Street, Buyut Trusmi Street until Panembaham Street, Trusmi, a lot of apparel shop which selling varieties of Cirebon Batik, such as Mega Mendung pattern, etc. The price is way cheaper compare to the store in Jakarta/ Bandung. All the shops looks clean and well maintained, most of the shops will ask you to take off your sandals/ shoes when entering the shop. Also they serve mineral water and snacks for free.

Trusmi Batik
Swiss-Belhotel Cirebon