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Belitung is an undiscovered jewel of an island amongst hundreds of islands dotting the blue of the Java Sea. Most of its attractions are natural landscapes, or small slices of island history as a tin mining and pepper growing location.
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Showing 1 to 10 out of 10 results found
Bee House: Organic Honey "Trigona"
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Hoping Island Package
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Tanjung Kelayang Beach
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Black Rocks Golf Club
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Lengkuas Island
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Kaolin Blue Lake
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Tanjung Pendam Beach
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Tanjung Tinggi Beach
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Pasir Island
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Punai Beach
Swiss-Belresort Belitung

Showing 1 to 10 out of 10 results found