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Jogja is a must-visit destination for travelers. Not only because of its historical location, Jogja is also surrounded by beautiful southern beaches. Here is a list of the most beautiful beaches in Jogja that are worth a visit.

Parangtritis beach

Parangtritis Beach is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to have a vacation there. Located 27 km south of Jogja City, this beach offers a variety of joys for you and your family. You can go around the beautiful beaches by horse riding or with ATV machines for rent around the beach.

Indrayanti Beach

Pulang Sawal Beach or better known as Indrayanti Beach, offers a beautiful stretch of white sand. Even the beauty of Indrayanti beach has been so well known to foreign countries. You will be spoiled by the natural atmosphere that is so cool and the waves crashing against the reef. There are several places to eat that serve fresh seafood.

Timang Beach

Want to test your adrenaline a little? Timang Beach has a fairly steep terrain to travel. The difficulty of passing rocky and bumpy roads that must be taken before arriving at the mouth of the beach pays off by the magnificent view that this beach presents. You can test your courage by riding a gondola across the ocean to get to the big reef which is the main object of this beach.

Zest YogyakartaBeaches
Zest YogyakartaBeaches
Zest Yogyakarta