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House of Raminten

House of Raminten is only 2 kms away from Zest Hotel Yogyakarta and can be reach by driving via Jalan Hayam Wuruk for about 7 minutes, depends on the current traffic.

If you are a food lover or culinary enthusiast, you must come to this favorite culinary place in Jogja! House of Raminten is well known as a hangout place plus culinary destination in Jogja that affordable and delicious. They bring "unique, antique, elegant" as a concept and presents the past in contemporary ways.

You will see the waitresses are wearing "kemben", a traditional Javanese clothes for women and accompanied by "gamelan", a traditional Javanese musical instrument. The most interesting thing from House of Raminten is the way they serves and the menu.

House of Raminten
Zest YogyakartaHouse of Raminten
Zest YogyakartaHouse of Raminten
Zest Yogyakarta