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Kupang, Maluku & Papua

Kupang, Maluku & Papua

Many of us know East of Indonesia for its natural resources, especially in mining and maritime products. It has tremendous landscapes, picturesque mountains, hills, lakes and beaches. Did you know that 75% of the worlds coral species can be found in the east of Indonesia!

Book our Hotels in East of Indonesia and receive an additional 10% OFF by becoming a website member. Click on signup in the top right of this page!

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Swiss-Belcourt Kupang

Swiss-Belexpress Jayapura

Swiss-Belhotel Ambon

Swiss-Belhotel Cendrawasih, Biak

Swiss-Belhotel Jayapura, Papua

Swiss-Belhotel Manokwari

Swiss-Belhotel Merauke

Swiss-Belhotel Sorong

Swiss-Belinn Timika

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