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3 Star

3 Star

Value for money accommodation, Swiss-Belinn and Swiss-Belexpress offers business and leisure travellers dependability, modern and attractive facilities, combined with friendly service covering all essential needs in a relaxed and safe environment.

• 3-star classification
• Convenient location in primary, secondary and tertiary cities
• Contemporary style architecture
• Contemporary interior design and furnishings
• Appropriate technology
• Limited recreational facilities
• Environmentally sensitive
• A practical hotel accommodation alternative for the fast moving frequent traveller

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Swiss-Belcourt Kupang

Swiss-Belexpress Cilegon

Swiss-Belexpress Kuta, Legian

Swiss-Belinn Airport Jakarta

Swiss-Belinn Airport Muscat, Oman

Swiss-Belinn Airport Surabaya

Swiss-Belinn Balikpapan

Swiss-Belinn Baloi Batam

Swiss-Belinn Bogor

Swiss-Belinn Cawang

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