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Discover how a hospitality management company helps hotel owners maximize revenue and minimize stress

Whether it’s an established property or a greenfield project, a hospitality management company is a key strategic partner in the success of any high-performing hotel operation. With construction of new hotels up 16 percent year-on-year in the APAC region, working with a hospitality management company can be the difference between operating a profitable hotel and struggling to capture market share in an increasingly saturated industry.

Hospitality management companies offer a fully-fledged suite of management services, from pre- opening technical support to post-opening maintenance and engineering, sales, marketing, operations, and finance. Backed by extensive experience, these companies take the stress out of establishing and running a hotel — working in partnership with owners and investors to provide greater peace of mind while delivering a healthy return on investment.

Beginning with technical services and support at the very start of a project, a complete plan is created where every component is carefully created in early phases to support the healthy flow of operations when the hotel opens. A hospitality management company is deeply involved in every stage of the development lifecycle, from large decisions such as defining the potential for every site and establishing the overall concept to smaller components like reviewing specifications or defining the furniture, fixtures, and equipment list.

Once the construction team breaks ground, the company oversees building progress to ensure everything runs according to plan and provides regular reports to owners and investors. These services also extend to maintenance and engineering after the hotel begins to operate, so owners can be rest assured knowing that their business is running smoothly around the clock.

Beyond development, a hospitality management company plays a valuable role in the critical pre-opening and opening stages of a hotel. These partners assist hoteliers in preparing their properties from a commercial standpoint to attract business and leisure travelers from day one.

Drawing upon their expertise in other successful hotel launches, a hospitality management company works closely with key stakeholders to establish market segment and sales strategies, conduct competitor evaluations, and build a pricing and promotion strategy. In tandem, the company engineers a powerful pre-opening marketing, social media, and PR plan to generate valuable exposure in those crucial first weeks. This in-depth level of support and expertise takes the weight off a hotel owner’s shoulders during an already stressful period and helps reassure investors that the property is geared for success.

After the doors have opened, the hospitality management company becomes a trusted partner that ensures smooth day-to-day operations and delivers an exceptional experience for travelers. All aspects

of management are run by a centralized team, from performance-driven digital marketing to optimize online reach and conversion to sales representation, people development and training, financial services such as credit control, and regular performance audits to maximize revenue.

These services are backed by a suite of international digital management and operation platforms, including a property management system for daily business operations, a channel management system that plugs into digital selling portals, and an internet booking engine that integrates with global distribution networks.

Moreover, working with an international brand hospitality management company means owners can tap into the global group’s centralized reservations system and global loyalty programs for guest marketing and customer relationship management. When combined with a robust yield management system and online reputation management platform, these digital tools ensure the business is consistently increasing market share through online and offline channels.

From development to daily operations, partnering with a hospitality management company means owners can relax knowing that their business is in good hands and focus their valuable time on other endeavors. And, more importantly, both owners and investors will enjoy a healthy ROI for years to come.