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Play & Stay (Double player)

Want to have a golf experience and relaxing in Belitung?
Now you can get it all when you're staying at Swiss-Belresort Belitung!

Start from IDR 3,465,000 net/package

• 2 Nights Stay at Deluxe Ocean View
• Room package for 2 persons
• Breakfast for 2 persons
• 1 Time 18 Holes Golf at Black Rocks Golf Club Belitung
• Free shuttle to Black Rocks Golf Club Belitung (Drop & Pick-Up)
• SBEC membership is free
• Additional 18 Holes round on the same day IDR 1,000,000 net/person

Other term & condition:
Valid for domestic and KITAS holder only

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325 / 5,000
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Translation results

Translation result

• 2 Nights Stay at Deluxe Ocean View • Room package for 2 persons • Breakfast for 2 persons • 1 Time 18 Holes Golf at Black Rocks Golf Club Belitung • Free shuttle to Black Rocks Golf Club Belitung (Drop & Pick-Up) • Free SBEC Membership • Additional 18 Holes round on the same day IDR 1,000,000 net/person
Play & Stay (Double player)
Swiss-Belresort BelitungPlay & Stay (Double player)
Swiss-Belresort Belitung